Thursday 13 February 2014


I'm a teenager. I have hopes, dreams and everything between. At this point in my life I want to be a actor. I've always been fascinated by the way that you can just change your character after one reading of a script.
After a boatload of film watching last year, I've come upon the decision of Richard Curtis and Woody Allen.
I love the charm and charisma of these directors pictures, the well placed swearing are just perfect (Four Weddings and a Funeral) and actually comedic. But alas this is not a Curtis&Allen love fest. But honestly, just watch About Time and Midnight in Paris, and be charmed to no end.
                          Until next time.

Thursday 12 December 2013


Everybody has them, whether it's end of year exams, GCSEs, A Levels or Controlled assessments. Everybody hates them. But especially in your GCSEs and A Levels it's a very very stressful time and it doesn't help having extra pressure put on you from parents and teachers. There is no easy way for getting through your exams it's just going to be hard and that really sucks! But one thing I've learnt after having all in all eight weeks of exams so far during my duration at my school, is STUDY.STUDY.STUDY.
I know that internet, TV , movies and friends can lead to some serious procrastination (guilty of every single one..) but you really have to think about that choice that you're making while you're on Tumblr looking at hilarious posts by Tyler Oakley (been there too) , is this gif of a cat trying to fly really going to help you in the long run? And be honest to yourself do you feel as if you been really productive about your time after 6 hours on youtube? Try to think forward to the moment where you know you're going to flip over the first page of your exam and just start sweating and feel like crying? Because if you don't pick up your books and start cramming in that information about the Cold War your going to have a nervous breakdown in the middle of your exam tomorrow.

Okay tell me now if you've only found this post because you googled HOW TO GET YOURSELF TO FEEL LIKE REVISING get off you electrical device right now and grab those study guides.
Have you gone yet?! Good. Because you are NEVER going to feel like revising you have just got to do it.


  • Have a salty snack. Don't listen to people who say eat healthy while revising, eating salty/sweet snacks give you instant pleasure, treat yourself to say a couple of crisps/chips after you learn (and really learn) something.
  • Revise in 20 minute slots and then give yourself 5 minute breaks to go outside or something
  • NO INTERNET you will feel no pleasure from 5 minutes of internet (you need at least 20.. It's a black hole.   
Most of all is of course GOOD LUCK!!! and remember one of my favourite quotes "if you can dream it you can do it"
Have any questions? Feel free to ask me anything!

Thursday 21 March 2013


Hi, my name is Daisy. I'm a teenager in the middle of nowhere, mentally and physically. 
This is a place where I post Movie, Makeup, Fashion, Books, Music and thoughts. 
        I hope you enjoy.